I think this Cub Scout camp was possibly at Garstang in the early 1970's. Dad, Matt was Akela
Ken Boardman, Russell and Gary Spargo (sorry if I've got you two in the wrong order!) and Ian Rive
Ian Rive receives his dinner from Arthur the cook and Paul McDonough
Now it's Anthony McClure's turn
They finished off with a nice cup of tea
Cubs always keen to perform for the camera
Families were invited to visit midweek - I'm there with my Mum, Angela Boardman, Auntie Evie (Rive) and Tommy Boardman amongst others
But hospitality for the visitors amounted to one milk crate to sit on....
There were complaints so Ivy chased us off with threats of 'Go home and don't come back or else...' and brought out the Bouncer (Arthur)
So we all went home and left them to wash up.... in buckets... in the middle of the field
Scouts Own at Mossley Hill with Pat Fagan and Matt Moneypenny in the 70's
Ivy and Harry Norris - don't you just smile when you think of Harry?
These are taken at a Cub Scout camp in the 1980's, with thanks to Ivy Norris
Arthur's still the Cook
I can only recognise Linda Marshall on this one looking over her shoulder at us
Linda, helper and cubs
Jim Hartley, Ivy Norris, Arthur, Harry Norris
Arthur having a well earned rest. He used to make the most gorgeous cakes...mmm...
Two photos of the Queen's Scout Award's board, one without a flash to show the Scout's Badge and one with to show the names a bit better
The Scouts & Guide window in All Saints
Please read and sign our Guestbook
Speke Liverpool's Guestbook - A Bravenet.com Guestbook
This website is dedicated to my Mum and Dad, Enid and Matt Moneypenny who devoted their lives
to All Saints Church and the Parish of Speke,
and to my cousin Vivien Rive Kennils who passed her love of local history on to me,
along with the results of her many years hard work and research.